Utilizing Culturally Responsive and Racially Equitable Engagement and Evaluation

Centering on Culture, Race, and Those Most Impacted by Inequities

Workshop Registration


Utilizing Culturally Responsive and Racially Equitable Engagement and Evaluation

April 16th, 9:00AM – 4:00PM ET
(Networking breakfast 9:00AM – 10:00AM ET)

April 17th, 9:00AM – 4:00PM ET

April 18th, 9:00AM – 4:00PM ET

$1,275 per person

Registration Closes: 4/9/2024


Utilizing Culturally Responsive and Racially Equitable Engagement and Evaluation


Sept. 24th, 11:00AM – 5:00PM ET

Sept. 25th, 11:00AM – 5:00PM ET

Sept. 26th, 11:00AM – 5:00PM ET

$1,075 per person

Registration Closes: 9/23/2024

Workshop Overview

This workshop presents useful frameworks and approaches using culturally responsive and racially equitable engagement and evaluation (CRREEE). Public health and human services practitioners are challenged to use processes that consider:

Who is being

Who is facilitating
that engagement?

How race and culture might
influence engagement?

The CRREEE framework can be leveraged to resolve these complexities. Specifically, the framework offers a way to undo racism and oppressive structures previously upheld by practitioners, researchers, evaluators, institutions, and systems. It argues the importance of considering culture and race when facilitating an engagement process because both are critical and substantive nuances that should be addressed when a practitioner is unaware of the culture of those being engaged.

Instructors will provide workshop participants with a template to analyze their organization’s programs, initiatives, and systems using CRREEE. It also introduces a “How-to Process” focused on the cultural competencies of the individual facilitating the engagement—with strategies for improving those competencies. The template focuses deliberately on an engagement process mindful of race, culture, equity, and community contexts, offering strategies to produce improved and more equitable outcomes. Participants will engage in small-group exercises to apply the concepts in the template to real-world evaluation processes, providing practical application of the equity framework.

Participants receive a copy of the book, Culturally Responsive and Equitable Evaluation: Visions and Voices of Emerging Scholars.

Learning Outcomes

After participating in this workshop, learners will have improved their ability to have dialogue around issues of difference, social justice, and their impact on health. This interactive workshop allows participants to engage in small group discussions and activities to engage with content and reflect on materials and how they may incorporate concepts in their life and work.

Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  • Define structural racism and distinguish it from other forms of racism.
  • Introduce the rationale for using a culture- and race-conscious approach in engagement and evaluation.
  • Discuss the linkage and impact of how understanding structural racism and the intentional use of CREEE transforms the composition of your team, the engagement process, methods and approaches, rigor and quality.
  • Share examples of lessons learned using CRREEE.

Meet the Team

Contact Us

If you have any questions or would like additional information, please email equityinaction@mphi.org.